Monday, September 29, 2008


 The terror in Indian cities was sporadic and generally a backlash of specific events or Pakistan sponsored attacks. As soon as the attack was made there would be a shrill cry from the Indian politicians about Pakistan trying to destabilize India with imported terrorism. This view would be spontaneously supported by the Media and all details of the probe if any held would be shifted to the inner pages of the paper and would be swept down the carpet. This has been going since 1983 even the Kashmir became a melting pot and the insurgency there became ripe.

 After 9/11 attack on US Pakistan slowly but decisively distanced itself in getting involved in large scale participation on ground level logistics leaving it to already entrenched PAK/Kashmiri terrorists. The funding of course came from elsewhere with at best Pakistan being a conduit. Events unfolding after 2002 slowly but inexorably led to a creation of home grown terrorists which was assiduously ignored by all the political parties lest they offend the sentiments the Indian Muslim minority. In fact they vie with each other to theories of external intent to destabilize. If one were to look at it logically it would be clear that whenever external agencies were involved the intent would be create damage loss of life and property which were designed ignite the communal tensions between Hindus and other religious minorities. The effects of those attempts were manifest like you saw in Ahemadabad, Baroda riots and not to forget Godhra riots.  

 The powers to be in India at all points did not attempt any long distance policy to address this evil for they were afraid of vote bank politics or the bogey of secularism was raised by centrist and leftist politicians thereby putting the right wing Sangh Parivar in the defensive. So shrill where their attacks that a democratically elected government finds it difficult to execute a death sentence confirmed by Supreme Court for a crime no less heinous than treason that is attacking the Parliament.  The common methodology was not to allow any stringent and coordinated attempt to strike at base of this malady and they very effective so much so today a very effective but may be a small terror network has emerged which can attack any city at will. The law enforcement agencies are prevented from adopting a Proactive approach towards this problem. A recent example of our politicians not willing to take bold and proactive steps was how effective the cry for a national counter terror outfit for clearly our ground level police forces are not trained or tuned to tackle this menace. After doping the customary rounds in news headlines the demands just vanished. Nobody talks about it now.

 While conceding the fact the networks are very small but the impunity with which they carry out these attacks would bring the peripheral believers in this philosophy into active play thereby expanding their base. Any political/social/terror activity flourishes only with willing converts and we now find that these terror networks are able to attract young, educated and intelligent youth to their cause. Hitherto the profile of a terrorist or a criminal was that he/she was poor with no education and avenue for meaningful livelihood. Now you the emergence of new elitist and educated middle class joining the club would provide these terror networks faceless volunteers as they are one of us in everyday life going to office

 This is a chilling reality that demands an immediate proactive response which should begin with a National anti terror network with powers and jurisdiction akin to FBI in US. The other but more important factor is to integrate them with the national mainstream and making them believe they are Indians and their future lies in the betterment of this nation. I do not think for politicians have that power or inclination sand so we are left with other alternative than a divine intervention.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very well said. I must say I completely agree. We as a nation are projecting a very soft exterior to everyone . that is why every Tom dick and harry tries to exploit us.

Its time we rose above the vote bank politics and start thinking about the human beings who seem to be losing their lives almost everyday.

The most scariest part is the apathy that has filtered down and settled comfortably in people. When I read about today's blast in Gujarat and Maharashtra, the only emotion I felt was ok, another one. I think an Indian will actually be shocked if there are no blast for 5 consecutive days.