Monday, September 29, 2008


A middle class bread winner of the American family is not college educated and has largely led a life of insulation if not complete against financial miseries. Because for him there was a job available to him at wages which were more than our Karat’s friends generally call ‘a living wage’.

The particular use one of individual’s name is made because he claims to be the guardian of a particular philosophy which is buried & gone. I might have been a little generous because may be in that sparsely populated spectrum believe that he has not inherited the mantle. But then you know I am always generous where there is no dispensation of cash.

The name ‘Karat” is involved here to bring a comic relief to my presentation. How else would you react to his reported statement about his Party in Parenthesis HE saved the country from financial ruin by preventing Manmohan’s Govt from dealing with Top five merchant bankers whose heads are now in the chopping block for mistakes due to common greed to post better profits.

My digression is propelled by the pronouncement of my personal philosophy which has made this essay (oh” no not classically) a little long winded. Let us now stick to the prepared text.

Aside: OH. “Stop tugging at much shirt”

The American voter is largely been led to believe that every thing is hanky dory and that the doomsday prophets will always say things differently. Today he wakes up with a prospect of whether his bank in which he has may be $ 5000 will stay afloat and that he can draw his savings and proceed live his life as he has been doing and his insurance will pay up on his retirement or may be honour a commitment if God Forbid he has an accident. This is a very unsettling scenario of an American which we do not understand because we have lived with no such guarantees on our own. (As the Tamil saying says “God created the tree he will water it)

Coming to the dilemma which has been my tile for the day on the Election Day one has to look (here I am doubling up for the poor American voter) at the available options:

Incumbent: i.e. The Republican Party:

A candidate who is so old that he cannot stand up to fight as a drunk when he is challenged (like Woodhouse comically referred to his hero) and mostly so when his detractors question him on his ability. In his dithering best he chose a Vice presidential nominee who calls the Opposing captain names with impunity and taught us new English ‘HOCKEY MUM’.

Challenger: The Democratic nominee:

A man who entered the fray with a lot of bluster about CHANGE and now appears to be undergoing a change himself. A case in point was his press conference today in which he dithered to give an answer about the stand he was supposed to take on the BAIL OUT PACKAGE FOR THE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION.S By the way do you remember his running mate’s name?

On the ongoing discussions in the senate give a very clear picture where both of them stand. I.e. Nowhere.

What is pathetic is the world’s most powerful democracy is fielding two candidates in an election in times of unprecedented crisis to their hegemony & they can barely stand on their on feet one because of his age and the other because of the burden of expectations about himself.


Honestly I think it is an election featuring Vijyakanth and Vadivel ( As Vadivel seems to challenge Vijyakanth the other day on TV) I am not going to allocate names to my analogy. You be the judge


Please note that this is an syndicated column and do not ask me by whom I am trying to figure out a good authentic name and by the way who is going to check

1 comment:

Nivi said...

This one was funny!Kudos

"This is a very unsettling scenario of an American which we do not understand because we have lived with no such guarantees on our own. (As the Tamil saying says “God created the tree he will water it)"

So true. As a person who has been here the past few months, one thing i have realized is if u have no health insurance, you better not get sick! for all the medical progress they have made, they have not made it affordable.

The GH in Madras might not have the best of equipments and may not have the best of doctors, but a certain Autodriver Ravi who goes there in case of an emergency manages to survive and LIVE!

Now that is a difference if you ask me!

Kudos Dad keep writing